To become a partner, you have to know about our partnership advantages and disadvantages policy. The power of PARTNERSHIP is critical to our operational framework. We recognize that many organizations already possess knowledge experiences & resources to meet the growing challenges of Elderly wellbeing.

We value the importance to “seal the deal” with international /national Organizations as well as small regional groups.

These PARTNERSHIPS are formal legal agreements that highlight the commitment of PARTNERS and outline the strengths and expertise that each brings for the Elderly wellbeing.







CESI is a 100% volunteer organization, no administrative or overheads are imposed on project cost estimation. Thus making indirect cost lean which ultimately reduce the total cost of any project/program.

CESI offers the following specialized services to the corporate sector;

Conceptualization and development of CSR Plans

  • CESI can conceptualize and develop CSR Plan for your company as per your requirements. We have already developed some projects, which can be sponsored or implemented by your company.

Implementation of CSR Initiatives

  • CESI can supervise/monitor your CSR initiatives in any part of the country and provide an appropriate report to the company. Social Audit of CSR initiatives

Development of CSR Communications and print material

  • CESI can develop, print and distribute communication material like newsletters, leaflets and other communications for corporate.

Baseline Survey/ Research for CSR Plans

  • CESI can undertake baseline and preliminary surveys on behalf of Corporates to devise its CSR plans.

Employee Engagement in Social activities

  • CESI can engage employees of Corporate houses in its current or proposed social activities.

Event management for Corporates

  • With its experienced and qualified event management professionals, CESI can organize seminars, workshops and other events for corporates.

PR exercises for CSR division

  • CESI can also manage PR and media relation exercises on behalf of corporate houses.
partnership make happy men
partnership make happy men
partnership make happy men


CESI is a bridge between generations with the ever-increasing popularity of the nuclear family system and today’s fast-paced lifestyle; generation gap has increased between the generation, which is making the lives of older persons very difficult and painful.

In the process of bridging the intergenerational gaps and developing better understanding between the generations, CESI’s professionals have developed training and communication modules after extensive research.

These modules help the younger generations to understand their elders better. On the other hand with these modules older people can cope with various old age-related problems.

CESI provides

  • Case-specific training by expert
  • Case-specific communication module
  • Advisory on interpersonal issues
  • Techniques to handle psychological issues
  • Motivational training to younger generations
  • Communication with children to sensitize them towards the elderly
partnership make happy men
partnership make happy men


CESI is an Ideal Social Platform for the student.

CESI provides a unique opportunity for students to get firsthand experience of social initiatives by involving them in its social campaigns. Students can be involved in these activities as per their convenience.

CESI offers to Students the –

  • Opportunity to associate with a UN recognized NGO
  • Exposure to social initiatives and ground realities
  • Practical Experience
  • Social interaction
  • Certificate of Participation
partnership make happy men
partnership make happy men


CESI provides Ideal Social Service Opportunities

  • Since CESI is a volunteer’s based organization, volunteers from all spheres are always welcome at the organization.

 What CESI offers to Volunteers

  • An opportunity to utilize their services/ expertise/ knowledge/ experience in a meaningful way
  • A sense of fulfillment of social responsibility
  • Capacity building and experience
  • Opportunity to associate with a nationally recognized community
  • Certificate of Participation